Help Us Do It

We offer several ways by which you can help us deliver our mission in reproductive health and mental health. 


Donation or Grant – either of these modes will fund our itinerant missions in your selected focus areas for Reproductive Health and Family Planning. As we offer Mindfulness-based Programs a donation or grant will allow us to offer these evidence-based programs to indigent, out of work, out of school clients, students and adults alike. We will understand what your advocacy is and how our organization can deliver against it. We have a sterling track record of performance with our past and current donors, clean audits and repeat engagements that are much appreciated by beneficiaries. They also clamor for us to return to their communities—a strong testament to the quality of our service delivery.

Subsidies – we can also accept subsidies which will help defray our operating expenses. Our costs for medical staff is rising as nurses migrate to foreign countries. We will need to train and re-train remaining and new staff so they can stay true to our mission and advocacies in family planning, We also need to continue to develop and retain our Mindfulness facilitators whether there are programs or none hence subsidies that can help us make ends meet so our lean staff are retained and remain motivated will go a long way in ensuring our services are maintained at high quality levels.

Donation in kind – donations in the form of medical supplies for missions or clinic supplies for pro bono services are most welcome as well as venues where we can hold the Mindfulness Programs free of rental fees.


Monetary donations can be directly transferred to the bank details below:

  PICPA Building 700 Shaw Boulevard, Mandaluyong City
Account Name: FriendlyCare Foundation, Inc.
Account Number: 0008-4002-0089
Bank Account Type: Current / Checking Account

If you need to get in touch with us, please email