RH And Family Planning

For almost 23 years, FriendlyCare Foundation through its RH/FP unit has been in the forefront of providing quality and compassionate service to Filipino families from all walks of life. More than 100,000 emancipated adolescent, men and women of reproductive age were served while 185,000 got counselled for RH/FP services. FriendlyCare has likewise assisted several private companies over the years, in installing their respective FP in the workplace program for the easy and convenient access of company employees for FP services. Further, aside from its sterling track record as service provider, FriendlyCare has been lending its technical expertise to LGUs in terms of executing a comprehensive on the ground coordination for the conduct of itinerant RH/FP missions. This has revved up the LGU’s to capacitate their health service providers for FP-related trainings thereby resolve the long-standing predicament of scarce competent FP providers at the LGU level.


FriendlyCare through its RH/FP services will continue to be a proactive partner of the Philippine government in fulfilling its goal of zeroing the unmet need for modern family planning methods; contribute to the decrease of teenage pregnancy rate in the country and capacitate its personnel for SRHR-related trainings. The Foundation will serve adolescents, men and women in need of family planning services, women and girls who are victims of gender-based violence and LGU and private partners who are in need of technical and demand generation assistance.


Family Planning in the Workplace

Five (5) companies in Laguna and Cavite are currently being assisted by FriendlyCare in partnership with United Nations Foundation for responsible parenthood and family planning capacitation of its line leaders and company nurses. The program has capacitated hundreds of line leader who will educate and motivate their peers for the practice of family planning and 8 company nurses for FPCBT 1 and 2. Company nurses trained for FP-related trainings will provide FP counseling and services to company employees.

Provision of Primary Care Medical and Family Planning Services

Over the years and during the pandemic, various LGUs in Region IV-A were assisted by FriendlyCare in partnership with POPCOM, DOH, our donors Philippine Center for Population and Development (PCPD), Mrs. Dading Macaranas and The Alvarez Foundation in delivering holistic women’s health targeted Primary Care Medical and Family Planning services to senior citizens, pregnant and women of reproductive age. During the pandemic a total of 4,400 women were served by the program.

Sexual Health and Empowerment

Both medical and non-medical personnel of FriendlyCare in partnership with OXFAM Pilipinas and Global Affairs Canada were capacitated for SRHR-related trainings to equip the foundation in handling gender-based related situations either in the office, clinic or itinerant mission settings. 

Enhancing Family Planning Demand Generation and Outputs Through Technology

FriendlyCare in partnership with USAID-ReachHealth conceptualized and developed a unique, first in the Philippines and innovative tool for Family Planning to aid the acceleration of demand generation and enhance the access to Family Planning service provision in the country. This innovative, technology-powered Family Planning tool is known as e-Plano Family Planning Booking and Service Application. The e-Plano project is currently being implemented in Laguna and Manila but the app can be downloaded by family planning users nationwide. The e-Plano application has garnered as of July 2022 over 1,150,000 app views, 3,042 downloads, 4,477 registrants and 3,705 booking requests and 2,320 services delivered. 





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